Our Services

With an experience dating back over 100 years, we provide custom metal building systems used for a wide range of building types including commercial, industrial, residential

Fire Escapes
Boston Iron Works offers a range of fire escape solutions. We perform repair and replacement, as well as certification, inspection, and maintenance services.

Boston Iron Works offers rail and handrail solutions for all your home and business needs. Each project is crafted according to your exact specifications.

Boston Iron Works has a long history of manufacturing and installing straight stair and spiral staircases for homeowners, contractors, and architects in.

Spiral Staircases
Metal spiral staircases can be highly functional and aesthetic features on residential and commercial spaces.

Boston Iron Works create distinct and unique borders for your home, business, or recreational property. Our catalog highlights the various styles, materials.

Boston Iron Works manufactures gates to your specifications. Our team of professionals is uniquely qualified to design, fabricate, and install the simplest.

Balconies & Decks
Boston Iron Works designs and constructs various types of balconies and decks for residential and commercial applications. Our.
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Our Blog
The Importance of Structural Steel in Constructing Buildings
Admin2021-01-11T01:34:31-05:00There are several advantages of incorporating structural steel in constructing buildings. It's used in numerous industries, including manufacturing, packaging, shipbuilding, oil and gas, automotive, transport, and mining, making it an...
The Great Advantages of Working with Steel
Admin2025-01-15T17:27:48-05:00The inclusion of structural steel in the framing system of buildings has several advantages. Although most materials are compared and measured against structural steel, many builders in Boston still opt...
Benefits of Custom Structural Steel
Admin2021-01-11T01:32:16-05:00Assembly line products or anything mass-produced is very standard and has a sameness to it. Structural steel assembly lines are very efficient and helpful in manufacturing products of particular specifications. ...
Better Safe than Sorry: Fire Safety Tips
Admin2021-01-11T01:22:24-05:00Fire-related accidents and disasters can happen to anyone and they tend to occur when you least expect them to. It’s vital to be prepared and know how to respond to...
Giving Proper Maintenance to Fabricated Gates & Doors
Admin2021-01-11T01:19:09-05:00Metal doors can be very appealing and very secure. They fit right in with a modern home and look great. Metal doors are also very low maintenance, especially in comparison...
Tips for Designing Strong and Durable Staircases Solutions
Admin2025-01-15T17:31:08-05:00Staircases are some of the most essential aspects of your home. They connect the lower floors with the upper floors of your home. Designers often ignore these installations, believing that...
Tips For a Successful Fire Inspection in Boston
Admin2021-01-11T01:08:59-05:00Fire inspections are conducted annually to ensure commercial buildings are safe to use and provide adequate protection and means to escape in the event of a fire. As the owner...
What to Use? Materials Involved in Metal Fabrication
Admin2021-01-11T01:06:42-05:00Different kinds of metals and materials are used to create different kinds of installations and parts. Each metal has a unique response to heat and has to be molded in...
Things to Consider When Choosing your Fabricated Gates
Admin2021-01-11T01:03:03-05:00Gates are just as functional as they are beautiful. They give some much-needed privacy and security while adding a sense of elegance and grandeur to your property. In most cases,...