Giving Proper Maintenance to Fabricated Gates & Doors

Giving Proper Maintenance to Fabricated Gates & Doors

Metal doors can be very appealing and very secure. They fit right in with a modern home and look great. Metal doors are also very low maintenance, especially in comparison to wood. However, they do need some care and maintenance to ensure that they keep looking great and remain strong.

At Boston Ironworks, we always suggest that you take proper care of fabricated gates and doors. We provide all of our clients a guide on how to carry our essential maintenance. Here are some tips:

Regular Inspection


You don’t need to be an expert to inspect the doors and check them for wear and damage. There are several points you need to take a note of. They are listed here:

  • Look at the hinges and check for signs of corrosion or rust there. They’re the vulnerable spots.
  • Look for scratches and peeling paint or metal fragments. These are an indication that your fabricated door needs to be repainted.
  • Check whether the door is level and the bottom or top of it doesn’t rub against the doorframe. That can damage the door as well as the doorframe.
  • Sand the door to remove the paint and all of the protective coatings over it.
  • Carefully clean the surface before applying a rust coat and let it dry.
  • You can apply another layer of rust coat and let it dry before moving on to painting it.
  • Apply a couple of layers of paint, making sure that the paint is allowed adequate time to dry.

Regular Cleaning

It’s always a good idea to clean the door thoroughly often. That would allow you to spot any problems before there’s too much damage. You can dust the door and then wipe it with a soft cloth that won’t cause scratches. It’s never a good idea to scratch metal and it would expose it to the elements and cause problems like rust.


We recommend refinishing your fabricated gates and doors once in a few years to maintain their strength and beauty. It’s a good idea to hire a professional to handle this. The steps of refinishing are easy to understand. You need to:

Refinishing the door would ensure that it stays strong for a long time.

If you want to know more about fabricated gates design and maintenance, you can call Boston Ironworks at 617 657 3117. You can also fill in this contact us form. We’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Copyright © Boston Ironworks

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