Keep Them Always Safe: Gate Designs for Pets

Keep Them Always Safe: Gate Designs for Pets

Pets can bring great joy and comfort to anyone’s life, but they’re a big responsibility. These curious and adventurous creatures will explore their environment fearlessly and place their well-being at risk. Puppies who haven’t yet learned how to climb can venture to the stairs and grown dogs can enter the kitchen looking for food.

Strong gates can keep these curious pets from places they shouldn’t be in. Good quality, well-structured pet gates also help keep unsupervised children at a safe distance from pets. At Boston Ironworks, we can create durable gates that also complement your property’s beauty.

Different Boston Gates Designs for Pets

Gates come in different sizes, designs, and configurations. You need to consider every design carefully to determine which can suit your requirement and your property’s design well. Pet gates can be sorted into three broad categories and they are:

1. Pressure-Mounted Gates

These gates are very popular because they don’t require drilling or damaging the walls in any way. These structures use pressure to stay in place and are quite secure. We recommend pressure-mounted gates for doorways, hallways, and for dividing a room. These are a tripping hazard and shouldn’t be used on stairs as they’ll place your pets and even children at risk. They will come loose if you place excessive pressure on them.

2. Hardware-Mounted Gates

Hardware-mounted gates are ideal for stairs and elevated spaces because they are very secure. You need to drill holes and attach the structure with screws to keep it in place. However, this gate offers better safety and won’t budge under pressure. Hardware-mounted gates also come in different sizes, designs, and colors so it is easy to find something that fits your home.

3. Free Standing Gates

Free-standing gates are very flexible and don’t need mounting. They are designed for pets who are already trained and know how to respect boundaries. You can assemble these gates on the floor to create a clear barrier between the pet and the area they’re not allowed to venture into.

There are numerous Boston gates designs to choose from. Just take factors like your dog’s age, size, level of training, and behavior into consideration before buying a gate. These gates can also be used to keep children safe.

For questions and inquiries about Boston gates designs, you can call Boston Ironworks at 617 657 3117. You can also fill in this contact us form. We’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Copyright © Boston Ironworks

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