Rusty No More: How to Repair an Ornamental Iron Gate

Rusty No More: How to Repair an Ornamental Iron Gate

Wrought iron is elegant and sophisticated, which is why it has been used on properties for hundreds of years now. It’s resilient, can withstand outdoor elements easily, and adds to the beauty of any home. Unfortunately, wrought iron is also highly prone to rust and requires a certain amount of yearly maintenance to stay in a good condition. At Boston Ironworks, we recommend the following maintenance steps for your ornamental iron gate:

  1. Removing the Old: The surface needs to be completely smooth and clean for the rust coat and paint layer so your first step should be to remove all the old paint, rust, and dirt from the metal. You can use a paint scraper, wire brush, or sandpaper for this task, a wire brush is probably the most effective of the three. Make sure that all of the rust and paint is cleared as much as possible.
  2. Neutralizing the Rust: Rust spreads like a disease and even after you clean it, the problem can still exist and spread onto the cleaned areas. A good neutralizer will help ensure the rust doesn’t spread and the metal is protected. All you need to do is dip the wire brush in the neutralizer and scrape the areas with area to stop the rust from spreading.
  3. Prime the Metal: Paint won’t adhere to bare metal, no matter how clean and well-sanded it is. You need to apply a coat of primer over the metal to ensure paint sticks to the surface and doesn’t chip off. Cover the entire ornamental iron gate with a steady coat of rust inhibiting primer and let the coat dry for about 4 to 5 hours before you move on to the next step.
  4. Paint: Once the primer is completely dry, you can apply the first coat of paint on it. Be sure to apply it in even strokes and use rust resistant paint for better protection. You need to allow the paint to completely dry before you apply another coat. We recommend letting the paint set overnight before you apply the second coat and two coats is enough to get good results.

If you want to know more about ornamental iron gate, you can call Boston Ironworks at 617 657 3117. You can also fill in this contact us form. We’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.


Copyright © Boston Ironworks

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