Fire escape mas building code

1001.3.1 Add subsection:
1001.3.1 Maintenance of Exterior Stairs and Fire Escapes. All exterior stairways and fire escapes shall be kept free of snow and ice. Exterior stairways and fire escapes constructed of materials requiring the application of weather protecting products, shall have these products
applied in an approved manner and shall be applied as often as necessary to maintain the stairways and fire escapes in safe condition. Weather resistant structural fasteners and connections shall tie the stairways and fire escapes directly into the building structural system.
1001.3.2 Add section:
1001.3.2 Testing and Certification. All exterior bridges, steel or wooden stairways, fire escapes and egress balconies shall be examined and/or tested, and certified for structural adequacy and safety every five years, by a registered design professional, or others qualified and
acceptable to the building official; said professional or others shall then submit an affidavit to the building official.
1005.1 Replace exception with these three exceptions:
1. Means of egress complying with section 1028.
2. For other than H and I-2 occupancies, the total width of means of egress in inches (mm) shall not be less than the total occupant load served by the means of egress multiplied by 0.2 inches (5.1 mm) per occupant for stairways and by 0.15 inches (3.8 mm) per occupant for
other egress components in buildings that are provided with sprinkler protection in accordance with 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 and an emergency voice/alarm communication system in accordance with 907.5.2.2
3. For existing buildings that meet all other requirements of Exception 2., the emergency
voice/alarm communication system is not required
1007.4 Add before ‘section 2.27’ and ‘Chapter 27’ this text: ‘524 CMR and’
1007.4 Add at the end of exception 2. this text: ‘, unless otherwise required by 521 CMR’
1007.5 Replace the text ‘in section 1109.7, Items 1 through 9.’ with this text: ‘per 521 CMR. Platform lifts shall be installed in accordance with 524 CMR.’
1007.6.2 Add an exception 2.
2. Areas of refuge, and areas served by them, if equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with section 903.3.1.1.
1008.1.9.7 Add a second exception to item 4. as follows:
Exception 2. In Use Group B buildings where one tenant occupies the entire floor and the building has a security station staffed 24 hours each day, the installation of a door release device may be omitted on egress doors in elevator lobbies provided that all other items in this section
are met, and in addition, the following items are met:
a. The building is equipped throughout with both a supervised automatic fire sprinkler system and a supervised automatic fire alarm system.
b. The supervised automatic fire sprinkler system and the supervised fire alarm system shall interface with the access control system to unlock the doors automatically upon activation
of either system.
c. The elevator lobby shall be equipped with a telephone connected directly to the staffed security station and a sign having block letters one inch in height shall be provided directly above the telephone and shall state: “In case of emergency, pick up telephone. You will be connected directly to security personnel”.
8/6/10 780 CMR – Eighth Edition – 65